How you can help
We are always looking for new members to help spread the load and bring fresh ideas and there are lots of ways you can help and support your child through the PTA.
• Offering to help before events or at other times during the year is so valuable - it really is a case of 'many hands make light work'. It doesn't matter if you can't help on a regular basis, or even if you can't come into school. There are always little jobs that can be done from home if you have half an hour to spare e.g. wrapping gifts, preparing raffle tickets etc. We really couldn't achieve what we do without the unseen 'army of help' that exists in school.
• You can of course volunteer to be a Committee member, or you can simply support the AGM and give us your ideas for fundraising events - this is also the time to ask questions or voice your opinion. Becoming a part of the PTA is a great way to meet other parents at the school not only in your child’s year group but school wide too, please ask at the school office & we will contact you.
• We are also always looking for raffle prizes for our Christmas and Summer Raffles and Auctions. In the last few years we have had some wonderful donations from Parents/Carers, often associated with their place of work i.e. leisure club passes, family photographic sessions, hairdressing vouchers, restaurant meals, electronic equipment etc. All donations and gifts are very much appreciated
• You can help by letting us know if you have any contacts or skills we could use - everything is potentially valuable to us.
• Use any of the Shopping links on our Website (See 'SHPS PTA Shop' in the index to the Left)
• CHARITY MATCHES: We have raised a large amount of money in the last couple of years through parents who have facilitated their employers’ Charity Matching Programs. Given the benefit that this facility provides, we would be very grateful if any other parents’ employers can be approached to support our school fundraising efforts in the same manner. Again please contact us if you can help or need any further information.
• In recent years, your kind donations and support of PTA events have helped us to raise much needed funds for school ICT equipment, a brand new library resource including guided reading books, and currently, it is helping us to develop the outside "forest schools" area and the accompanying curriculum which will benefit all the pupils. We would not be able to achieve all this without your input.
Thank you for your ongoing support.