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E-Safety Information

The Internet has become part of our everyday lives and is now easier to access than ever before. At Stockton Heath Primary School, we appreciate the importance of the internet as a learning tool for children today and the use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is an integral part of teaching and learning. The children benefit from a wide range of technical resources, with online capabilities at the centre of their learning. It provides them with the opportunities to access a wide range of educational tools, communicate with friends and investigate the world around them. However, there is also content available that is not suitable for children. We hope that the information provided on this page will help keep your child safe and ensure they use technology, including mobile phones repsonsibly. 


Use of the Internet can have risks. Young people are more at risk of exposure to imappropriate or criminal behaviour if they are unaware of the dangers. These dangers include:

  • Viewing unsuitable content eg: hate material, adult content, sites that endore unhealthy behaviour
  • Giving out personal information
  • Arranging to meet a friend 'online'
  • Becoming involved in, or the victim of, bullyinh, identity theft, or making and sending indecent or illegal images
  • Spending too much time online (internet addiction), which can effect concentration, sleep and health
  • Copying information from the Internet or buyinh work from other people to use as their own

Some useful websites are listed below. Some of the sites have information just for parents, carers or teachers and others have interactive areas and information for children too. Please take a look yourself first then with your child explore some of the sites that are aimed at children.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre – ceop.police.uk
Thinkuknow – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk
NSPCC – http://www.nspcc.org.uk
UK Safer Internet Centre – www.saferinternet.org.uk
Childline – http://www.childline.org.uk

Net Aware is found within the NSPCC website and is regularly updated. This area gives lots of information about the different social networking sites that children are accessing. As is always the case with technology, new sites are being developed all of the time and it can be quite difficult to keep up to date with them. Net Aware gives lots of information about old and new social networking sites to help everyone keep up to date – especially parents, carers and school staff!

Click on Net Aware to link to the website to find out more.


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