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Welcome to Stockton Heath Primary School

School News Feed
  • Medical
    8 October 2024
    Chicken Pox
    Dear Parents/Carers, I just wanted to make parents/carers aware that we currently have a small number of children off school with isolated cases of chicken pox, particularly in EYFS and KS1. Whilst this not a major concern as the numbers are low, I would like to urge you all to remain vigilant checking your child for early signs of chickenpox e.g. small spots anywhere on the body (including inside the mouth), a high temperature, loss of appetite, aches/pains etc. Many thanks, Mr Harding
  • General
    13 September 2024
    Share In Our Learning documents
    Please find attached this Autumn Term's Share In Our Learning documents for EYFS-Y6. These documents are also available to view on the school website under the Curriculum -> Share In Our Learning tabs. Kind regards, Mr Harding


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